178 writers contributed.
- Editorial Team of Webzine <Kyeol>
- 2019년 Discussions 2011년 헌법재판소의 부작위위헌 결정, ‘위안부’ 문제의 흐름을 바꾸다
<Part 1> Panel: Nam Kijeong (Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University)/ Cho Yanghyeon (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)/ Cho Sihyeon (The Center of Historical Truth and Justice)
- 2019년 Discussions 2015년 12.28 한일 ‘위안부’ 합의의 법적 구속력은 어디까지인가
<Part 2>
Nam Kijeong (Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University)/ Cho Yanghyeon (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)/ Cho Sihyeon (The Center of Historical Truth and Justice)
- 2019년 Discussions 진실 규명을 위한 양국 간의 책임 있는 대화가 이루어지기 위해서
<Part 3> Panel: Nam Kijeong (Institute for Japanese Studies, Seoul National University)/ Cho Yanghyeon (Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)/ Cho Sihyeon (The Center of Historical Truth and Justice)
- 2019년 Interviews 힘없는 사람의 역사가 기억되는 인간적인 사회를 위해 - 사회정의교육재단 손성숙 대표 인터뷰
Sohn Sung-sook, President of the Education for Social Justice Foundation (ESJF)
- 2019년 Interviews 기억해야 할 첫 발걸음, 1세대 연구자를 만나다 - (3) 강정숙
Kang Jeong-sook majored in the women's history of modern Korea, and currently works as a researcher at the Centre for East Asian History at Sungkyunkwan University. She contributed greatly to the early studies on the ‘Comfort Women’, by investigating the truth of the ‘Comfort Women’ issue, recording the testimonies of the ‘Comfort Women’ victims, etc. while working at the Korean Institute of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery and the Truth Commission on Forced Mobilization.
- 2019년 Interviews 기억해야 할 첫 발걸음, 1세대 연구자를 만나다 - (2) 송연옥
She is an Emeritus Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University. As a Korean in Japan (a Zainichi Korean) and a researcher who laid the foundation for the studies of colonial history and women's history in Japan, she has been playing an important role in investigating the truth about the ‘Comfort Women’ issue. Her main publications include 『Military and Sexual Violence』, 『A Study on the East Asia Japanese military sexual slavery (co-authorship)』, 『A Study of 70 Years of Women's History in Korea (co-authorship)』, 『Colonialism, War, ‘Comfort Women’ for the Military (co-authorship)』, 『War and Social Affairs in East Asia(co-authorship)』, and so on.