
178 writers contributed.

Sim A-jeong
  • 2020년 Reviews 과테말라 여성인민법정 - 서로의 고통을 물려받은 지구 반대편 여성들의 이야기

    The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on the Trial of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery in 2000 (hereinafter the ‘Women's International War Crimes Tribunal 2000’), which was hosted in Tokyo, Japan from December 8 to 12, 2000, was a people’s tribunal[1] that held the Japanese government – the perpetrating state - and Emperor Hirohito responsible for war crimes. It was viewed as the most appropriate alternative plan devised at a time when it was no longer feasible to hold a legally effective international court with any cooperation from the Japanese government. 

    Sim A-jeong 2020.12.07

Ahn Hae-ryong
Ito Takashi
Yang Mi-gang
Eka Hindrati
Editorial Team of Webzine <Kyeol>
