178 writers contributed.
- Sim A-jeong
- 2020년 Reviews 과테말라 여성인민법정 - 서로의 고통을 물려받은 지구 반대편 여성들의 이야기
The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on the Trial of Japan's Military Sexual Slavery in 2000 (hereinafter the ‘Women's International War Crimes Tribunal 2000’), which was hosted in Tokyo, Japan from December 8 to 12, 2000, was a people’s tribunal[1] that held the Japanese government – the perpetrating state - and Emperor Hirohito responsible for war crimes. It was viewed as the most appropriate alternative plan devised at a time when it was no longer feasible to hold a legally effective international court with any cooperation from the Japanese government.
- Ahn Hae-ryong
- 2019년 Interviews 〈만나다, 그리고 보듬다〉 안해룡, 이토 타카시 인터뷰
The photo exhibition , in which the victims of the Japanese Military ‘Comfort Women’ (called ‘Comfort Women’) from South Korea and North Korea join together, was held from March 6 to 11 at Exhibition Hall 2 of the Insa Art Center.
- Ito Takashi
- 2019년 Interviews 〈만나다, 그리고 보듬다〉 안해룡, 이토 타카시 인터뷰
The photo exhibition , in which the victims of the Japanese Military ‘Comfort Women’ (called ‘Comfort Women’) from South Korea and North Korea join together, was held from March 6 to 11 at Exhibition Hall 2 of the Insa Art Center.
- Yang Mi-gang
- 2020년 Reviews 정의를 위해 앞장선 이름 없는 영웅, ‘위안부’ 피해자들
Marking the 20th anniversary of the ‘Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery in 2000’
- Eka Hindrati
- 2020년 Interviews 공통의 역사로 연대하기 - 인도네시아 ‘위안부’ 문제 연구자 에카 힌드라티 인터뷰
Eka Hindrati is an Indonesian researcher who is persistently engaging in various activities towards resolving the 'comfort women' issues despite many challenges. Through a written interview, we asked her about the progress of studies and investigations on 'Japanese military sexual slavery' in Indonesia, and about what efforts are needed in order for South Korea and Indonesia to unite through the shared past.
- Editorial Team of Webzine <Kyeol>
- 2019년 Discussions 독자에게 묻는다. 2019년 웹진 〈결〉 어땠나요?
Webzine <Kyeol> Readers Talk