international community
- Voices of “Comfort Women”: A Global Civic Movement for Memory
The suffering of the Japanese Military “Comfort Women,” one of the most tragic human rights abuses of the 20th century, should be preserved and managed as historical documentary heritage. This is crucial to prevent such atrocities from recurring and provide a lesson to future generations.
- Hoping for the Publication of an English Collection of Testimonials on ‘Comfort Women’ to Prevent Distortions and Expand Empathy in the International Community
Professor Jing Williams considers her education on the “Comfort Women” issue as “a process of planting seeds for the future,” recognizing that some of her students may become advocates for women’s human rights.
- “Teaching the ‘Comfort Women’ Issue in the U.S. Society: A Global Citizenship Education to Overcome Nation-Centrism”
Professor Jing Williams considers her education on the “Comfort Women” issue as “a process of planting seeds for the future,” recognizing that some of her students may become advocates for women’s human rights.
- To a humane society cherishing the history of marginalized populations – Interview with Sohn Sung-sook, President of the Education for Social Justice Foundation (ESJF)
Sohn Sung-sook, President of the Education for Social Justice Foundation (ESJF)
- Online Interview between Jeong Yeong-hwan & Pak Noja - The issue of the ‘comfort women’ that needs to be viewed from a post-division perspective DAY 1
Written by Jeong Yeong-hwan, Professor at Meiji Gakuin University, and Pak Noja, Professor at the University of Oslo
- Online interview between Jeong Yeong-hwan & Pak Noja The issue of the 'comfort women’ that needs to be viewed from a post-division perspective DAY 2
Written by Jeong Yeong-hwan, Professor at Meiji Gakuin University, and Pak Noja, Professor at the University of Oslo
- Online interview between Jeong Yeong-hwan & Pak Noja The issue of the ‘comfort women’ that needs to be viewed from a post-division perspective DAY 3
Written by Jeong Yeong-hwan, Professor at Meiji Gakuin University, and Pak Noja, Professor at the University of Oslo
- The supranational nature of the 'comfort women' issue and the ‘glocalization’ of memories, Part 1
Written by Shin Ki-young, Professor at Ochanomizu University, Japan