- The voices that rolled inside bodies – Emily Jungmin Yoon’s collection of poems A Cruelty Special to Our Species
Similar to what the researchers considered in the fourth collection of testimonies, the line placement and long pauses in Emily Jungmin Yoon’s poems would be the mimesis for the testifiers’ persistent pain, long silence, faltering, and hesitation that are manifested through poetic deviation.
- The Most Beautiful Metaphor of the Nature of “Violence” - Interview with Kwon Yoon-duk, Author of “Yong, Maeng Ho”
More than 10 years after the publication of the picture book “Flower Granny,” which tells the story of Sim Dalyeon, a victim of the Japanese Military “Comfort Women,” author Kwon Yoon-duk released “Yong, Maeng Ho,” the main character of the Vietnam War veteran. What is the story left by the author who has pointed out violence in Korean history through her works?
- The Twilight of Testimony
Kim Soom’s novel “One Left”(Hyundae Munhak) is a work that announces a new turning point in the era of testimony. worldview formed ahead of these final moments, and can it present us with meaningful realistic possibilities not only in literary terms but also social and historical ones?
- Earth Is Not Flat - the Movie “Denial” Review
The movie “Denial” (Mick Jackson, 2017)
- From Asking to Listening, from Singular to Plural: The Transformability of “Comfort Women” Narrative Norms in Kim Soom’s “One Left”
In some way or another, testimony literature must provide its own answer to the question of what to represent and how. So what was the answer found by Kim Soom’s novel “One Left” (Hyundae Munhak, 2016)?
- Translation of Silence, or Representation of the Untranslatable - A Review of the Film “The Silence”(2017)
Film researcher Hwang Miyojo sheds light on the documentary film “The Silence” produced by female director Park Su-nam, a second-generation Korean-Japanese. Director Park documented the struggle of Lee Ok-sun, who demanded that the Japanese government apologize and provide compensation, together with 14 colleagues.
- Concerning Experience and “Situated Knowledge”
The meaning that experience is a movement and the creation of a situation or a relationship indicates that “I” seeking to put it into words am also a being taking on a part of a new relationship in the movement.
- Meeting “Comfort Women” Victims’ First “Art Teacher” - Interview with Artist Kyung-Shin Lee, Author of “Flowers Unbloomed”
The first “art teacher” of the “Comfort Women” survivors who live in the House of Sharing. I met and listened to the story of artist Kyung-Shin Lee, the author of “Flowers Unbloomed,” which contains the behind story of the painting class she conducted for five years from 1993.
- The rooms of the surviving “Comfort Women” - Kang Il-chul’s room
What kind of everyday life do the surviving “Comfort Women” victims residing in the <House of Sharing> leads? <Kyeol> the Webzine has arranged an essay series to look at daily life of those who live at the <House of Sharing>, centering upon the space of the “room.” The fourth protagonist is Kang Il-chul.