What a Former Japanese Soldier Who Served as the Recreation Section Chief Saw and Failed to Say

Posts Aya Furuhashi (古橋綾)

  • Created at2024.10.29
  • Updated at2025.03.19

What a Former Japanese Soldier Who Served as the Recreation Section Chief Saw and Failed to Say:
Understanding “Comfort Women” System and Comfort Stations through the Memoir, Wuhan Military Logistics Base


Wuhan Military Logistics Base (武漢兵站) written by Seikichi Yamada (山田清吉), who served as the Recreation Section Chief in the Japanese military command and was directly responsible for managing comfort stations, provides a vivid account of how these comfort stations functioned for the Japanese military. In this article, Aya Furuhashi, a scholar who has extensively researched Japan-Korea relations and the damages of forced mobilization during Japan’s colonial rule, critically analyzes Yamada’s work, Wuhan Military Logistics Base. Through her examination, she sheds light on the operations of the Hankou Special Comfort Facility in Wuhan, China, which was managed under the strict control of the Japanese military, the lives of the Korean women forced to work there as “Comfort Women,” and the unspoken truths that emerge from the gaps between the written lines.

Illustration ⓒ Lee Sagak


During World War II, Japanese soldiers left behind numerous records concerning “Comfort Women” and “comfort stations.” The related records gained significant attention as crucial materials for uncovering the truth, following a series of public testimonies from Japanese Military “Comfort Women” survivors in the 1990s, which heightened social awareness and broadened the understanding of women’s human rights issues.

One such record is Wuhan Military Logistics Base by Seikichi Yamada, published in 1978. This book is renowned for its detailed portrayal of a large-scale “Comfort Women” Street centered around the Hankou Special Comfort Facility in Wuhan, China. Its author Yamada, the Recreation Section Chief of the Japanese military headquarters, directly in charge of managing the comfort stations, offers a vivid account of how comfort stations functioned as spaces for the Japanese army. His writings reveal that, while comfort stations outwardly resembled brothels, they were strictly operated under the Japanese military’s control. This article examines the records presented in Wuhan Military Logistics Base to shed light on the conditions of these comfort stations at the time and the experiences of the Korean women who were forced into “Comfort Women.”


Hankou Special Comfort Facility: A Comfort Women Street with 20 Comfort Stations and 280 Women

Seikichi Yamada, born in 1900, served as an adjutant (副官) at the Wuhan Military Logistics Headquarters in China from October 1941 until Japan’s defeat. Just one month after he arrived in Wuhan, he was appointed Recreation Section Chief, taking responsibility for all matters related to soldiers’ recreation and amusement. This role encompassed overseeing the welfare and recreational services for soldiers, including the management of canteens, officers’ clubs, recreational facilities, theaters, libraries, and Special Comfort Facilities. The author explains, “Among all these, the most concerning places were the comfort stations” (p. 61)

[Photo 1] Remains of the Japanese military “comfort station” in Jiqingli, Hankou, photographed by Su Zhiliang in 1998 (Source: Su Zhiliang and Chen Lifei, Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Army’s Invasion of China, Vol. 19, trans. Lee Seon-i [Neulpum Plus, 2017], p. 97).


The Hankou Special Comfort Facility was planned and established before the Japanese army entered Hankou in November 1938, allowing it to begin operations immediately upon their arrival. By 1941, when Yamada was appointed in Hankou, the facility was already under control. The facility was also known as Jiqingli, after the name of the street. “The Hankou Special Comfort Facility (Jiqingli) was located on a side street off the main road, surrounded by high brick walls that isolated it from the outside world. Upon entering, there was the patrol station and the brothel owners’ association office side by side on the left” (p. 77). “The patrol station was staffed by officers dispatched from the Hankou Guard Unit, who monitored and controlled persons entering and exiting the area as needed.” (p. 82) This indicates that the women could not easily leave the premises. At that time, the facility housed twenty comfort stations: nine operated by Japanese and eleven by Korean owners. According to this book, the women working there included approximately 130 Japanese women and 150 Korean women. Inside the compound, there were not only comfort stations, but also a pond, a small park where the women at times participated in radio calisthenics, and a memorial tower erected for the women who had died (p. 77).

[Figure 1] Ground plan inside of the Hankou Special Comfort Facility. The red-marked areas indicate the locations of comfort stations, and the underlined stations were the ones managed by Korean owners. The facility was surrounded by high brick walls (Source: Aya Furuhashi, A Critical Reading of ‘Comfort Women’ in Japanese Soldiers’ Memoirs [Northeast Asian History Foundation, 2021], p. 36). The ground plan was created by the author based on Yamada (山田)’s book (1978, p. 76).


[Figure 2] Layout of the Hankou Military Logistics Base Facility (Source: Aya Furuhashi, A Critical Reading of ‘Comfort Women’ in Japanese Soldiers’ Memoirs [Northeast Asian History Foundation, 2021], p. 36). This layout was created by the author based on Nagasawa (長沢)’s book (1983, p. 41).


Inside comfort stations, the names and photographs of the women were displayed side by side, and soldiers chose the women, whose room they would enter (p. 78). The operating hours were divided into shifts: soldiers from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., non-commissioned officers until 8:00 p.m., and officers afterward (p. 82). Officers were also permitted to stay overnight. This schedule appears to have been designed to prevent overcrowding, but it also implies the women had no time to rest. Medical officers conducted sexually transmitted disease tests on the women once a week. (Because Yamada was not a medical officer, he does not describe much about the testing. More detailed accounts can be found in Hankou Comfort Stations (1983) by Kenichi Nagasawa, who served as a medical officer at the Hankou Military Logistics Base during the same period as Yamada.) The income of comfort stations had to be reported daily to the Military Logistics Command, along with detailed records specifying how many soldiers each woman had served, categorized by ranks—soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers (p. 82). These reports were used by the authorities of the logistics command to adjust operations and prevent congestion. From this, it is not difficult to infer that “comfort stations” were regarded as an integral part of military life.

Yamada estimated that each woman served approximately six soldiers, one non-commissioned officer, and one officer per day. If they worked 27 or 28 days a month, they might have earned enough to pay off their wages in advance in about a year and a half (p. 84). However, there are no documented cases of women who could actually repay their advance money and return home. Despite Yamada serving as the Recreation Section Chief for about three and a half years—a period long enough that such cases could have arisen—no such episodes are mentioned in the book. What becomes clear here is that the women remained trapped in the deceptive system of wages in advance, forced to endure ongoing human rights violations.

At the time, the military logistics command maintained detailed records of the women’s backgrounds, as official approval was required for them to work in Hankou. “Once ‘Comfort Women’ arrived, they would visit the recreation section of the logistics command with the required documents, accompanied by the brothel owner” (p. 86). The officer in charge reviewed the paperwork and shared the information with the military police. “Many of the women from Korea were young, around 18 or 19 years old, with no prior experience in licensed prostitution. When asked, ‘The work is difficult—can you handle it?’ they all nodded in agreement, perhaps because the brothel owners had coached them in advance” (p. 86). As part of his investigation, Yamada compiled the statistics according to the women’s “place of birth, age, employment history, education, medical history, family structure, and the amounts of any wages in advance” (p. 86). If these records had survived, they would have provided invaluable insights for understanding and researching the situation. Unfortunately, they are no longer available, as the Japanese military ordered all related documents to be burned after their defeat (p. 288).



Korean “Comfort Women” in Hankou

Then, how was the condition of the women who stayed in Hankou? “Most of the ‘Comfort Women’ came from extremely poor families, and among the Koreans, some were so poorly educated that they were completely illiterate. Many were those who lived through misfortune, such as being orphans or abandoned by men. It is said that some even came of their own accord, sacrificing themselves to support their parents or younger siblings” (p. 81).

As mentioned earlier, Yamada claims that the women arrived fully aware of the work they would be doing in “comfort stations,” but this assertion is highly questionable. For example, Ha Sang-suk, a Korean woman who stayed at this very ‘comfort station’ and later appeared in the film The Murmuring 1 (1995, directed by Byun Young-joo), recalled: “I went to a government office to get a permit. The Japanese wouldn’t issue a permit unless a woman was over 18, so the owner told me to say I was 18” (Seoul National University Human Rights Center, Chung Chin-sung Research Team, Taken, Abandoned, Standing Before Us, Vol. 1 (2018), p. 274). Even in modern prostitution contexts, it is uncommon for women to fully understand the nature of the work before entering the prostitution system. Moreover, Yamada was an older, high-ranking Japanese officer and a stranger to these women. Even if they told him they knew what the work involved, it is difficult to conclude that they truly understood the harsh reality that was awaiting them in “comfort stations.”

Yamada documented stories of women who left a strong impression on him, including several Korean women. Here’s a glimpse into their lives at the time:

Kohana (小花) was hospitalized for an extended period with acute peritonitis and eventually died. She was a young Korean woman who once said, “My mother died when I was very young, and I lost contact with my father. I’m not even 20 yet, and I left a child behind in my hometown.” At her funeral held at the comfort station, the women all sat dressed in traditional Korean clothing (p. 97).


Michiko (美千子) was initially denied a work permit because her family register indicated she was only 16. The brothel owner, however, insisted she was 18, explaining that her birth had been registered late due to rural customs. Trusting this explanation, Yamada granted her permit. Since she had no name until then, Yamada gave her the name Michiko (p. 100)


Sayuri (小百合), who had a kind and intelligent look, lost her mother when she was two and was later abandoned by her father. A neighbor woman raised her. Determined to become independent, Sayuri learned Japanese typing and moved to Tokyo to work at a bank. However, the woman who raised her kept demanding money, so Sayuri eventually quit and returned to Gyeongseong (note: today’s Seoul). By then, her foster mother had become addicted to morphine, and there was no money left at home. In a desperate attempt to earn a living, Sayuri applied to work as a “Comfort Woman.” The text explains that at the time, many women were recruited under the pretense of other job opportunities rather than being directly told they would become “Comfort Women” (p. 102).


Misako (美佐子) was hospitalized with a venereal disease. When Yamada visited her, he saw her chatting with coworkers while listening to music on vinyl records. One of the songs was “Hasawol” (夏四月) by the singer Kim Gap-ja (金甲子). When Yamada mentioned that he liked the song, Misako gave him the record. However, he lost it in the chaos following Japan’s defeat (p. 106).


Tamami (珠美), a woman from Daegu, committed suicide by jumping into the Yangtze River (揚子江). When she did not return by the evening, the brothel owner went searching for her. Tamami had been standing on a bridge, looking down at the river, but upon spotting the brothel owner, she immediately jumped into the water. Later, other women recounted that Tamami had been suffering from an illness and was deeply distressed after hearing that a soldier she had been close to had taken an interest in another woman. They recalled that she had argued with him and was heartbroken when he stopped visiting her (p. 107).



[Photo 2] Japanese military “comfort station” in Jiqingli, Hankou, photographed by Su Zhiliang in 2001 (Source: Su Zhiliang and Chen Lifei, Illustrated Guide to the Japanese Army’s Invasion of China, Vol. 19, trans. Lee Seon-i [Neulpum Plus, 2017], p. 98).


The limitations of Records Without Women’s Voices

In Wuhan Military Logistics Base, there is a passage that reveals Yamada’s perspective on the events at the Hankou Special Comfort Facility, which he observed up close. Yamada did not view the comfort station positively—an opinion shared by his superior, Commander Sadao Horie (堀江貞雄). Commander Horie told Yamada, “We have no choice but to acknowledge the ‘comfort station’ as a necessary evil, but let’s consider ways to reduce its harmful effects, even slightly” (p. 60). In his memoirs published after the war, Horie argued that comfort stations had a detrimental impact even on the soldiers themselves. He wrote, “In reality, many young men who had remained completely chaste before arriving at the battlefield were influenced by their surroundings and, due to the presence of such facilities, were ultimately drawn there.” Horie believed it was important to provide other forms of wholesome entertainment while maintaining comfort stations (p. 63, requoted from Sadao Horie, The Voiceless Front [声なき戦線]). Horie also thought it was important to eliminate the exploitation of women by brothel owners and to help the women earn money so that they could quickly pay off their wages in advance and return home (P. 64, requoted from the same book).

In line with this perspective, Yamada tried to provide wholesome entertainment by running libraries and recreational facilities and by investigating the records submitted by brothel owners to check for any suspicious activities. However, these efforts neither reduced the scale of comfort stations nor ended the exploitation by the brothel owners. As if mocking these efforts, the Hankou Special Comfort Facility continued to thrive until Japan’s defeat. Yamada reflects:

“Of course, even if it was the military’s policy, it was undeniably prostitution, and it violated women’s human rights. As the person ordered to serve as the recreation section chief, I had no choice but to follow the commander’s belief that it was a necessary evil in wartime. Within that system, all I could do was create a better environment, hope that the ‘Comfort Women’ would be freed as soon as possible, and offer them whatever small comfort I could. However, if I am condemned as an accomplice for turning a blind eye to the ruthless exploitation by vicious brothel owners and for assisting in human trafficking under the guise of a holy war, then I must accept the punishment I deserve” (pp. 299-300).


Through Wuhan Military Logistics Base, I have explored the perspective of Seikichi Yamada, a Japanese male officer in his 40s who supervised the comfort stations, on “Comfort Women.” As Yamada himself acknowledged in his book, he was neither able to depict the women’s actual lives nor in a position to understand their thoughts or emotions. In other words, it’s important to approach this account with caution, acknowledging that it reflects only the viewpoint of a Japanese soldier, not the lived experiences of the women themselves.

One passage symbolically illustrates this point. After Japan’s defeat, as the soldiers were fleeing back to Japan, Yamada showed no concern for the women’s return. He left behind nothing but the following “irresponsible and arrogant” comment: “When did the women from Jiqingli return to their homeland? I hope they all have a happy later life” (p. 298). In reality, Ha Sang-suk could never leave Wuhan. How could a woman who had been continuously sexually exploited and abandoned in a foreign country, where she couldn’t even speak the local language, be expected to find happiness? Behind Ha Sang-suk, there are many more other women we have never met.

The records left by Japanese soldiers, including Wuhan Military Logistics Base, have already been widely used as crucial sources for understanding the realities of “comfort stations” operations. However, when revisiting these records, I stress it is essential to consider not only what is documented but also what remains unspoken and unseen.


[Photo 3] The cover of Wuhan Military Logistics Base


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Writer Aya Furuhashi (古橋綾)

Aya Furuhashi received a Ph.D. in Sociology from Chung-Ang University. Her research spans the Japanese Military “Comfort Women” issue as well as sexual violence and exploitation across different historical periods in Korea and Japan. She is currently an associate professor in the Department of Social Studies Education at the Faculty of Education, Iwate University, Japan. Her Korean-language works include A Critical Reading of ‘Comfort Women’ in Japanese Soldiers’ Memoirs (Northeast Asian History Foundation, 2021) and “Japanese Attitudes about “Comfort Women” Issue in 2014: An Analysis of Editorial Articles Based on Postcolonial Feminism,” Journal of Korean Women’s Studies 33, no. 1 (2017), published by the Korean Association of Women’s Studies.