178 writers contributed.
- Kwon-Kim Hyun-young
- 2021년 Reviews 묻기에서 듣기로 / 단수에서 복수로, ‘위안부’ 서사 규범의 변화가능성 - 증언소설로서의 김숨의 『한 명』
In some way or another, testimony literature must provide its own answer to the question of what to represent and how. So what was the answer found by Kim Soom’s novel “One Left” (Hyundae Munhak, 2016)?
- Kim Dae-wol
- 2019년 Interviews 할머니의 내일 - 나눔의 집 김대월 학예실장 인터뷰
Kim Dae-wol, Head Curator of the House of Sharing
- 2020년 Essays 할머니의 방 -박옥선 할머니 편-
Upon Park Ok-sun's return to South Korea, she moved back and forth between her younger brother's house and her nephew's house in Seoul, and eventually was admitted to <House of Sharing> in 2002.
- 2020년 Essays 할머니의 방 -속리산(이옥선) 할머니 편-
Songnisan Grandmother had anticipated that she would live in Songnisan for the rest of her life but ended up coming to the <House of Sharing> in the fall of 2018 after having knee surgery which made it difficult for her to easily move around.
- 2020년 Essays 할머니의 방 -이옥선 할머니 편-
The traces and history of the surviving “Comfort Women” fill all corners of the <House of Sharing> but are most visible inside the rooms of the surviving “Comfort Women”.
- 2021년 Essays 할머니의 방 - 강일출 할머니 편
What kind of everyday life do the surviving “Comfort Women” victims residing in the <House of Sharing> leads? <Kyeol> the Webzine has arranged an essay series to look at daily life of those who live at the <House of Sharing>, centering upon the space of the “room.” The fourth protagonist is Kang Il-chul.