
155 writers contributed.

Pak Noja
Jeong Yeong-hwan
Jeong Mi Park
  • 2022년 Reviews “국가 없는 애국자들”의 승리

    This victory is just the beginning, not the end. (…) I hope that this verdict will inspire more survivors to find the courage to testify about their experiences, allowing Korean society to empathize with them and reflect on past violence and injustice and move forward into a new future.

    Jeong Mi Park 2022.11.30

Park Hye-jin
  • 2021년 Reviews 저문 증언의 시대에서

    Kim Soom’s novel  “One Left”(Hyundae Munhak) is a work that announces a new turning point in the era of testimony. worldview formed ahead of these final moments, and can it present us with meaningful realistic possibilities not only in literary terms but also social and historical ones?

    Park Hye-jin 2021.11.26
