
155 writers contributed.

Kim Dae-wol
  • 2020년 Essays 할머니의 방 -속리산(이옥선) 할머니 편-

    Songnisan Grandmother had anticipated that she would live in Songnisan for the rest of her life but ended up coming to the <House of Sharing> in the fall of 2018 after having knee surgery which made it difficult for her to easily move around.

    Kim Dae-wol 2020.10.07

  • 2020년 Essays 할머니의 방 -이옥선 할머니 편-

    The traces and history of the surviving “Comfort Women” fill all corners of the <House of Sharing> but are most visible inside the rooms of the surviving “Comfort Women”.

    Kim Dae-wol 2020.07.22

  • 2021년 Essays 할머니의 방 - 강일출 할머니 편

    What kind of everyday life do the surviving “Comfort Women” victims residing in the <House of Sharing> leads? <Kyeol> the Webzine has arranged an essay series to look at daily life of those who live at the <House of Sharing>, centering upon the space of the “room.” The fourth protagonist is Kang Il-chul.

    Kim Dae-wol 2021.04.20

KIM Dongryung
  • 2022년 Essays 누가 이미지를 두려워하는가

    In August 2000, I videotaped the medical examinations of the Japanese military “Comfort Women” victims in preparation for the upcoming “Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal” scheduled for Dece

    KIM Dongryung 2022.10.11

Eun-Shil Kim
Carol Gluck
